Become certified in Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders

This certified course in Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders (and managers) is a holistic leadership education that strengthens the interaction between consciousness, personal development, and leadership. It is a contemporary education that combines teaching in cognitive, emotional, and existential intelligence with a focus on implementation in practice.

The curriculum covers topics considered of utmost importance for effective leadership, including emotional and existential intelligence, interdisciplinary collaboration, psychological safety, mindfulness, communication, as well as the alignment between purpose, vision, mission, etc.

This education sets itself apart from traditional leadership programs by integrating 1) consciousness (deep self-awareness) in addition to 2) leading others (relationships) and 3) leading organizations (structures, strategy, culture, and context). Together, these form the basis of conscious life leadership.

With a deeper understanding of how the personal ‘Self’ and the professional leadership role are interconnected, authentic and meaningful leadership is achieved, where decisions and actions are in harmony with both the leader’s and the organization’s goals and values.

Based on conscious life leadership, this course develops well-rounded leaders who, with profound self-awareness, can promote a healthy work culture, collaboration, efficiency, and well-being in the workplace.

You will receive a certificate in Conscious Life Leadership for Managers by actively and satisfactorily participating in the course’s 12 lessons. Participants who have also undergone Personal Counseling (12 sessions) will be awarded an ‘Advanced Certificate’ in Conscious Life Leadership for Managers.


Target Audience and Learning Objectives for the Certified Course: Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders

The course aims to enhance the leader’s conscious life leadership, thereby qualifying decision-making and the ability to identify beneficial practices for employees and the organization, including preventing and effectively managing challenges and conflicts through constructive solutions. Upon completion of the course, the leader will have increased strategic social insight and be better equipped to navigate a social organizational context, thus translating goals and purposes into practice.

The leader will gain an increased understanding of themselves, colleagues, and employees, thereby increasing the ability to inspire and engage employees and create positive change – benefiting individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole.

The course prioritizes practical understanding and application, which is why it is spread over approximately 5 months (rather than a concentrated week), allowing each leader to test knowledge in practice and continuously collaborate with the group on challenges and successes from their organization.

Learning Objectives:Certificeret Lederkursus Bevidst Livsledelse for Ledere

1) Integration of Knowledge and Practice: To acquire knowledge, understanding, and awareness of consciousness, leadership, and leadership theory, and to apply it to daily practice in one’s organization.

2) Skills: To use relevant theory in conjunction with one’s leadership practice and experience to critically analyze oneself, relationships, and existing beneficial structures and contexts to positively influence them.

3) Competencies: To critically evaluate how the course’s theory and reflections enhance one’s leadership, and then to define specific actions for future personal leadership development, as well as address challenges and growth opportunities.

Course Program: Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders

The program consists of 12 lessons covering the following topics:

1) Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders
2) Leadership and Self-awareness
3) Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence
4) Mindfulness and Meditation
5) Psychological Safety
6) Collaboration Across Teams
7) Alignment between Brand, Brand Agenda, Mission, and Vision
8) Collaborative Advantage Partnerships
9) Workplace Well-being
10) Communication
11) The Invaluable Value of Self-worth
12) Phronesis/Practical Wisdom, Strategy, and Certificate

So far the open course is in Danish. To host this leadership course in English in your organization, please contact Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, Ph.D., at +45 5059 5013 or email: vibeke@vibekebaunsgaard.com. Vibeke has lived seven years abroad and is fluent in English.

Benefits for the Leader and the Organization/Company

With the course, Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders, you are investing in a positive future for your organization. This course creates lasting changes that extend far beyond the duration of the program. As more leaders and employees master conscious life leadership, a positive culture is enhanced, influencing all levels of the organization and promoting well-being and efficiency.

Bevidst Livsledelse for LedereBenefits for the Leader:


Awareness – leadership of teams and organization – understanding of leadership styles – self-awareness, communication – judgment – decision-making – strategic abilities – useful leadership tools – understanding of human nature – understanding of own and others’ competencies – focus, concentration & efficiency – collaboration skills – self-esteem – positively contagious energy – emotional and spiritual intelligence – ability to inspire as a leader – creativity – overview – ability to navigate social relationships – inner peace

Benefits for the Organization/Company


Job satisfaction – well-being – job retention – focus and concentration among employees – efficiency – healthy work culture – innovation – creativity – knowledge sharing – collaboration – clarification of visions and missions – employee branding – engaged employees


Illness – stress & stress-related illnesses – short-term and long-term sick leaves  – unresolved conflicts


Practical Information about the Leadership Course: Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders

Lessons: The course consists of 12 lessons, each lasting 3 hours.

Example Lesson: Recap and questions from the previous lesson, today’s lesson, dialogue about lesson and curriculum, exercises aimed at practical application, and concluding meditation.

Location: Aarhus – for open classes, we meet alternately at each other’s places or at Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard’s location.

Preparation: Approximately one hour of preparation for each lesson, including reading, reflection, and exercises.

Price: 37,000 DKK + VAT. Discounts are available for multiple participants from the same organization.

The price includes 12 lessons of 3 hours each, all course materials and books, ongoing evaluation, and a certificate.

Course Start Dates:

Please note the following course dates are for courses in Danish. You can host an internal course for your organization in English at any time.

2024: The spring cohort starts on February 22, 2024. The fall cohort starts on August 22, 2024.

2025: The spring cohort starts on February 20, 2025. The fall cohort starts on August 21, 2025.


Your Instructor: Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, Ph.D.

  • Director and editor of ManageMagazine.com – a global magazine about leadership and management
  • Personal, leadership, and executive advisor, speaker, and course instructor via vibekebaunsgaard.com
  • Mindfulness and meditation guide
  • Researcher
  • Board member

My educational background includes a Ph.D. from Copenhagen Business School in organizational studies and innovation management. Originally, I am a graduate of Centennial College in Toronto, Canada, and a sociologist from Aalborg and Copenhagen Universities.

For six years, I have been an honorary researcher at the University of Technology, Sydney, working closely with leading organizational researcher Professor Stewart Clegg.

My research approach – and thus teaching – has three main strengths:

  1. It is interdisciplinary, spanning sociology, management, leadership, and organizational studies – with roots in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience.
  2. It is process-oriented and recognizes circular development (as opposed to linear).
  3. Finally, it is practice-oriented. Knowledge is only valuable if it is applicable in practice. All my research – even the theoretical part – stems from practice and is geared towards practice.

My accumulated experience is the result of life as a business owner, researcher, communicator, author, advisor, board member, etc., which has contributed to a broad understanding across sciences and practice. I am delighted to invite you to this Conscious Life Leadership for Leaders course and look forward to working with you.

A list of publications can be found on the page: Research.


To educate your team of leaders contact Vibeke at +45 5059 5013 or at vibeke@vibekebaunsgaard.com

Interested in hearing more?

    CALL ME AT 5059 5013


    Vibeke’s level of reflection and the quality of her work are highly impressive. Furthermore, she is a very pleasant person who is excellent at presenting and teaching while engaging participants. I recommend her as a professor or any other position she might wish to take on.

    Tore Kristensen
    Professor - Copenhagen Business School

    Dr. Baunsgaard is bright, intelligent, and most importantly she has a playful wonder about how things work (or don’t work) and about what the future can look like. She offers a refreshingly innovative approach to not only bringing together multi and trans-disciplinary researchers and scholars, but also in developing ways in which such scholars and researchers collaborate and create mutual value and impact with the world of ‘practice’.

    Tyrone Pitsis
    Professor at Durham University

    I find Baunsgaard’s theoretical approaches very innovative and original. Her research clearly benefits from an interdisciplinary approach based on a broad knowledge in the areas of sociology, management, and organization studies in general. She makes a valuable contribution to academic life – she’s a great colleague, an excellent teacher, and a flourishing author of high quality research.

    Stewart R. Clegg
    Distinguished Professor - University of Sydney

    “Vibeke is a present and exuberant speaker who draws in participants with her extensive knowledge of conscious life leadership while engaging us all throughout. The importance of knowing your core values struck me in particular; do I know these?

    I have been given some tangible tools on how to become more satisfied and happy in my daily life and life in general”.


    Sarah Danmark
    - Member of Ladies Circle Aarhus

    “Thank you for a fantastic evening.

    Vibeke – you were magical, energetic, and absolutely wonderful”

    Louise Andersen
    - Consultant - DANVA

    At Aarhus University, Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, Ph.D., held a unique online workshop about how people find their path to private and professional success and how they realize their goals. Any apprehension about hosting a three-hour online event turned out to be unnecessary.

    With great professionalism and energy, Vibeke shared valuable knowledge highly relevant to participants’ daily lives. It was all delivered at eye level and her positive energy also motivated participants into engaging in small tasks and dialogue along the way. The workshop made a deep impression on all of us and strengthened the students’ clarity about career choices. I highly recommend Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard as a speaker. She is in the top 3 percent of speakers delivering helpful knowledge for impact.

    Sofie Kinch
    Post Doc and Lecturer, Aarhus University

    Vibeke came in and conquered the room with her deep knowledge and passion for business leadership and organization. Vibeke, she doesn’t copy, she dares find her own way built on research, facts, and from networking with the most visionary and influential people in international business and leadership. Vibeke always brings her heart and best intentions to the table. You can be sure to take away lots of food for thought and inspiration to pour directly into your own life and business.

    Anne Bach Krog Iversen
    Chief DNA & Culture Officer at TimeXtender.

    In the beginning, I was probably a little skeptical about life leadership and honestly also about seeking advice. I’m not skeptical anymore. I have learned to be more present in the now and have become more aware of how I experience myself, how I am experienced by others, and how I experience them. After a change of perspective – if you will – I do not judge other people very easily, and I do not feel judged by others. Vibeke has taught me how the validation of oneself is to come from within and not from the external world. It makes a world of difference and I feel more free and happy. Thank you, Vibeke

    - Nurse, Aarhus University Hospital

    Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard is one of the most intelligent people I have ever known. Vibeke sees things from angles, which most other people are blind to. Her high level of energy and pleasant personality moreover make her a person you want to be around. Vibeke is an authentic and loyal being who sees the person in front without gaze to either status or position.

    The advisory sessions with Vibeke have literally changed my life for the better. In short, our conversations have changed my way of thinking and how I view the world. They have contributed to a more meaningful life while feeling more excitement in my daily life – benefitting both me and my family

    - University of Aalborg

    I knew of course you were good. Yet, I had not imagined that we’d ever get so far below the surface of things. I’m really impressed.

    - Senior consultant, Public Sector

    ©2024 Vibeke Vad Baunsgaard, PhD

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